Positive Affirmations.

It is getting hard to write in here all the time…
Today I started off feeling tired and sick and just blah. Nothing really exciting, did not get anything done, and then didn’t even buy the book I was so looking forward to buy because it was not as exciting as I thought.
And by this point I was just feeling lots of anxiety and no idea what to do.
Just blah, wanted to do something to make me feel a bit happier.
So I decided to look at positive blogs and just search for something.

I few days ago I watched the movie “the secret” which was my inspiration for my last post.  Now when I wrote my last post I was supposed to image my dream every day so far I have not really done that.  I also have failed at my 90 day transformation so far as my anxiety today made me not want to do anything. But nonetheless I am reminded of some things.. First, positive affirmations.  I really want to find a book full of them.  This one I found just stuck to my mind and I want it to say it every day. It is “Whatever happens, I know I can handle it” – Louise Hay.  It is just so simple and beautiful.  Like a mantra. So that will be my new affirmation as well as others but this one is a good one to reiterate in my brain.

Next thing the secret mention that goes alone with my last post is creating a vision board.  I really would like to have positive affirmations, and pictures of my future dream life on a board.  It would be very inspiring to make as well as a great reminder of what I want my life to be like.  This vaguely reminds me of 2012 resolution board where I posted statements of how I want my life to be and values I want to hold in my life.

It was something like this:

this year I will….
Live the Alpha Gam purpose.
eat food. not too much. mostly plants.
put others first.
I will listen, really listen to others, and my heart.
I will.
blog more, smile often, make mistakes ( and learn from them)
enjoy life’s simple pleasures

Learn something new every day
grow, challenge
this will be an amazzing year.
Sincerity. Dependability. Honesty.

Anyway, life will get to be feeling blah sometimes.  Or maybe just confusing and scared of all the changes happening.  But then I can look around and say why am I worried?  why do I have these odd feelings? Maybe its because things are different.  But telling myself these positive affirmations makes me feel just a bit lighter, happier and say hey my brain is just acting funny now its all a trick of the mind. Lets play games back and tell it some new things. :)  Here is a good starting list:

“I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing.”
Louise L. Hay

I have noticed that the Universe loves Gratitude. The more Grateful you are, the more goodies you get”
Louise L. Hay

“The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives. –Louise L. Hay.

“Every day declare for yourself what you want in life. Declare it as though you have it!” –Louise L. Hay.

Ack! I know thats a lot of quotes, but I really like them. :) :) Gosh “the secret” just keeps popping back in and out of my life.

Chelsea Jolene


  1. candycoatedreality™ says:

    Oh, I love, love, love quotes… they can certainly change your life… for the better!! Keep up your affirmations work and when “life will get to be feeling blah sometimes. Or maybe just confusing and scared of all the changes happening.” then you will be ahead of the game!! Love your post!!

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